Thursday 24 July 2014


Dedication is a necessity in the process of learning.The more you practice the more you will groom yourself.practice is must and so is dedication.while practicing,be dedicated to what you are doing.It wont work if you are lookin up for youtube tutorials on one side with a can of coke in your hand.things like this wont clear how the chords are played.pick up your guitar and start with your exercises.just keep this in mind when you are practicing ,there should be no other distraction.Ok temme,how many of you would like a friend of yours disturb you when you are with your bf/gf? ahan! i know you ll be wanting to smash their face.but keep calm buddy! make your guitar your love,place this love and affection above every relationship and trust me it will love you back too..the more you love it from heart,the more good you will be at it.dont be scared if your fingers are hurt while practicing.dont feel bad if some1 asks you -hey! what happend to your fingers? feel proud and treat them the way warriors treat their scars.

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