Wednesday 9 July 2014

Switch Guitar Chords Faster

It's all about the finger GAME!

When you watch you're favorite guitarist play, it always look like their fingers are barely moving, right? That's because they are barely moving. Efficiency of movement is the important idea here. So, eliminate extra movement to be able to cover more space faster. Also, keep your fingers as close to the strings as you can.Besides good guitar playing is all about practice.
The more you practice, the more you can, the more you want to, the more you enjoy it, the less it tires you.― Robert A. Heinlein

Try shifting between any two chords. Play the first chord say five times (strumming evenly), and then, without breaking the rhythm of your strumming, quickly move to the next chord, and play that chord five times. Now while playing the first chord try and visualize exactly which chord you have to play next. Visualizing of chords helps you to set your fingers on the strings more smoothly and accurately.

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