Sunday 6 July 2014


Practice, practice, practice!! 

The study of music is a lifelong process - it's a discipline. The key to mastering any discipline is consistency. First of all have confidence that you will reach all your goals in time. Design an effective and flexible practice schedule. Add variety in your practicing sessions and make them fun. There is no substitute for proper practice. With no practice, you will not get very far. Practice in small chunks. Spend a few minutes focusing on a particular chord. Then spend a few on something else. It's  better to practice everyday rather than an hour once a week. Don't let yourself get too distracted while practicing. Once you finish practicing, then you can doodle around for a while. Recording and listening to what  you  are  playing  will  help  you to  improve. Your brain will continue to wrap itself around the things you practice while you are into other stuff. You will find that you will get better with practicing things in sections. just keep practising  what you feel is  difficult and keep revising.

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